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Source-Talkback 1.3 for Mac OSX - AAX plugin.


You are buying this plugin AS IS. If you purchase this, you accept it as is and that this product will not receive further updates therefore, we can’t guarantee compatibility with future macOS versions past Monterey. This software is officially compatibility tested with Mac OS 10.9 to 10.15, and was not originally working with Monterey, but Monterey 12.4 appears to have fixed the issue. However, this software was not made for use with Monterey, so compatibility with future upgrades is not guaranteed.

Source-Talkback 1.3


Source-Talkback 1.3 for Mac OSX - AAX plugin.


You are buying this plugin AS IS. If you purchase this, you accept it as is and that this product will not receive further updates therefore, we can’t guarantee compatibility with future macOS versions past Monterey. This software is officially compatibility tested with Mac OS 10.9 to 10.15, and was not originally working with Monterey, but Monterey 12.4 appears to have fixed the issue. However, this software was not made for use with Monterey, so compatibility with future upgrades is not guaranteed.